Bryce Richter

Photography by Bryce Richter

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Service & Advocacy

Physics MuseumFall 2017

Above and below: Students from the Milwaukee Excellence Charter School explored hands-on exhibits during a tour of the L. R. Ingersoll Physics Museum this spring.

“I was always a tinkerer,” Steve Narf explains from his Chamberlin Hall workshop lined with towering cabinets, each one stuffed with an…

Campus History

A Taste of FreedomWinter 2016

From urban gardening to Southern black farmers who organized against oppression, UW assistant professor Monica White’s research reveals a missing chapter in the civil rights narrative.

Service & Advocacy

Story TimeSpring 2016

Doctors in training at the UW write down patients' memories — along with their symptoms — in a VA hospital program that documents the lives of military veterans.

Sports & Recreation

Sharing a SecretWinter 2015

UW men’s basketball coach Bo Ryan shares a secret with referee Gene Steratore during a game against the University of Iowa in January 2015. The winningest coach in UW history (357–125 at the end of last season), Ryan announced that he plans to retire at the end of 2015–16.

Campus History

Where the W RoamsSummer 2015

For Badgers, it makes perfect sense that a single letter can represent so much emotion and pride. Behold the W! It’s the little letter that could — make us happy and proud, that is. It’s the twenty-third letter in the alphabet of the English language, but, oh, around Badgerland, it’s so much more.