In between pickets and protests throughout the South, civil rights hero Dion Diamond x’64 did a stint at the UW.
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Selected topic: Campus History.
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The Kennedy vs. Nixon contest overshadowed UW Homecoming.
We remember the one little McDonald’s that did its best to keep campus supersized.
How the First Nations Cultural Landscape Tour became a unique campus institution
Herb Kohl ’56’s legacy stretches across campus and around the nation.
A curious student traces the end of a campus tradition.
These unusual artifacts shine a light on campus history, from lost traditions to lesser-known heroes.
A new educational initiative shows how Indigenous territory became UW–Madison.
Let’s count up the Nobels and Pulitzers, shall we?
The UW’s longtime sports center has been replaced by modern recreational facilities.
The project builds on the acclaimed Public History Project.
Troia’s Steak House was one of the location’s best-loved businesses.
In 1908, the UW had big plans for its future, but not all of them came to pass.
The Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts ring in the yuletide season with figgy pudding and a fake boar’s head.
The evolution of UW cuisine, from 19th-century pigeon soup to 21st-century grain bowls.
At 19, the future star failed to conquer the UW folk scene.
Wiscetiquette shared tips for getting by on campus in the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s.
The 1965 College Bowl team went undefeated at a time when campus needed a boost.
Inspired by the Wisconsin Idea, James Graaskamp PhD’65 preached an ethical approach to development.
In the 1970s, UW–Madison hosted thrilling professional basketball games.
Amid constant change, these classic businesses have lasted more than half a century.
In the days before virtual enrollment, getting your preferred classes required creativity and collaboration.