On Campus

1033 stories. Showing page 16 of 35.

The Arts

Wisconsin Singers

For five decades, the Wisconsin Singers have taken their act on the road to serve as goodwill ambassadors for the university. Former WAA president Arlie Mucks ’47, along with the School of Music’s Donald Neuen, founded the musical group in 1967. Originally called the University Singers, the students…

Humanities & Culture

Scene Setting

Jeff Miller photo

Elise Schimke ’17 sought solitude in campus libraries during her time at UW–Madison. So when the history and English literature major from Stevens Point, Wisconsin, had to pick a subject for a project in an elective photo class, her choice was automatic.


Sports & Recreation

Built on TraditionFall 2017

UW Archives UW.CLP-A0385.bib; Bryce Richter; photo illustration by Danielle Lawry

Long before “Jump Around” and the Fifth Quarter, the 50-acre lot on which Camp Randall now stands was home to Wisconsin state fairs and Civil War soldiers.

When the state donated the land to the university…

Service & Advocacy

Physics MuseumFall 2017

Above and below: Students from the Milwaukee Excellence Charter School explored hands-on exhibits during a tour of the L. R. Ingersoll Physics Museum this spring.

“I was always a tinkerer,” Steve Narf explains from his Chamberlin Hall workshop lined with towering cabinets, each one stuffed with an…

Science & Technology

Power WalkingSummer 2017

Spencer Walts

The next renewable energy source could be right underfoot. A group of UW–Madison engineers has developed an inexpensive method to convert footsteps into electricity using wood pulp and nanofibers incorporated into flooring. It marks the latest advance in “roadside energy harvesting” — green…

Teaching & Learning

Lake Laboratory

Dawn patrol on Lake Mendota: Carolyn Voter PhDx’18 (right) and Alexandra Linz ’13, PhDx’18 collect water samples before sunrise. The work was part of a 44-hour limnology experiment that took place in July 2016 and examined how light affects bacteria and carbon exchange.

Photo by Jeff Miller…


Muir KnollSummer 2017

Muir Knoll is a small, knobby extension of a drumlin — in this case, Bascom Hill — formed by the retreat of the last glaciers that remade Wisconsin’s landscape.

In 1919, one year after the knoll was dedicated to naturalist John Muir…

The Arts

Tradition, Reinterpreted

Bryce Richter

This isn’t your typical henna design — and it’s not intended to be. Students created the henna body art during a workshop with Meeta Mastani, UW–Madison’s fall 2016 interdisciplinary artist-in-residence, on the outdoor terrace of the Humanities Building. Mastani is an…


The SettSpring 2017

Jeff Miller

Since Union South reopened in 2011, students and community members frequently pack The Sett Pub for watch parties, including Badger sporting events and presidential debates.

Jeff Miller

The Sett, named for a badger’s den, features…