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Social Science

Give What You Get


If it’s the thought that makes a gift count, here’s a thought that can make your gesture count extra: get a little something for yourself.

Research by Evan Polman of the Wisconsin School of Business shows that recipients are happier with presents when…

Social Science

Locked Out

In an excerpt from his best-selling book, Matthew Desmond MS’04, PhD’10 sheds new light on the harsh realities of housing and poverty.

Social Science

Love Online

Becoming “Facebook official” is a milestone in modern romance, but can it also help love last?

Social Science

Fulsome Prison Blues

As a student, UW sociology professor Alice Goffman spent six years immersed in a poor Philadelphia neighborhood. What she learned shaped her understanding of urban policy and inspired a break-out book.

Social Science

Uniquely Human

A UW professor guides those who have been seriously harmed by others along a path to forgiveness. And a UW alumna encourages leaders to take a new approach to conflict: honoring dignity.

Social Science

Tracking The Ties That Bind

Fred Gardaphé ’76 knew that if he didn’t get out of the Mafia-dominated neighborhood where he grew up, he could wind up dead. UW–Madison provided a way out.