Dean Robbins

Stories by Dean Robbins

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Business & Entrepreneurship

Virtual Party SchoolSpring 2021

For all their computer wizardry, the undergrads who created Spacebar got the word out through low-tech means. Courtesy of Spacebar

You’re a UW–Madison student who can’t go to clubs or parties during the pandemic. Is there any option besides staying home alone?

Now there is: you…

The Arts

Farewell to jazz legend Joan Wildman

For jazz pianist Joan Wildman, music was life. That may sound like a figure of speech, but Wildman proved it a statement of fact. After a cancer diagnosis last year, the longtime UW–Madison professor bravely rejected a treatment that might have bought her more time. The problem was, the drugs…

Student Life

Making Summer Term SpectacularFall 2019

Summer’s not what it used to be — not at UW–Madison, anyway.

Summer on campus has always been swell, boasting one-of-a-kind study spots like the Memorial Union Terrace and Picnic Point. But over the last four years, the university has transformed the summer academic experience to better help students advance…