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Service & Advocacy

Six Words about Race

Michele Norris x’83 has been a national TV, print, and radio journalist, but her biggest contribution may be a project that sprang from a painful aspect of her personal history.

Service & Advocacy

Painting for Peace

Daniel Ledin x’22, Molly Pistono x’22, and Courtney Gorum x’23 (left to right) painted a tribute to victims of police violence and racial injustice.

The boarded-up storefronts displayed boldly painted messages: Love, Unity, Change.

All along State Street, local artists transformed a scene of despair and destruction…

Service & Advocacy

A Hero Comes Home

The UW’s MIA Project journeyed to France to find the remains of missing World War II pilot Walter “Buster” Stone and return them to grateful family members.

Service & Advocacy

#MeToo in Science

The #MeToo movement reaches far beyond Hollywood and Capitol Hill. The sciences are also grappling with how to address sexual harassment. This past year, the American Geophysical Union adopted a policy that added sexual harassment as a form of scientific misconduct, saying that it willfully compromises the integrity of…

Service & Advocacy

Peace Out

A collection of international flags serves as a buffet table centerpiece during a Global House Party event at the University Club. Jeff Miller

The UW sent 85 Peace Corps volunteers around the world in 2017 — the most among large universities.…

Service & Advocacy

Witness to History

Sarah Morton

Military history professor John Hall spent 15 years on active duty as an infantry officer and strategic planner for the U.S. Army before joining the UW–Madison faculty in 2009. Now he is recording history as it happens.

In a new Pentagon appointment as a…

Service & Advocacy

Physics Museum

Above and below: Students from the Milwaukee Excellence Charter School explored hands-on exhibits during a tour of the L. R. Ingersoll Physics Museum this spring.

“I was always a tinkerer,” Steve Narf explains from his Chamberlin Hall workshop lined with towering cabinets, each one stuffed with an…

Service & Advocacy

Melissa Auerbach Murphy ’01

Scott Suchman

When 73 percent of hiring managers say that appearance is a big factor in who gets the job, it’s smart to look your best for an interview.

But for people who are trying to find a job while experiencing homelessness, taking care…

Service & Advocacy

Ali at the UW

The late boxer visited campus twice — as an amateur athlete who competed at the Field House and as the heavyweight champion who was also an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War.