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Nature Calls in Nancy Nicholas Hall is a stream-like, dreamlike experience.
Even covered in scaffolding, the iconic building is impressive.
WSUM radio has come a long way since the days of sending signals via dorm power lines.
The College of Letters & Science building is set to open in 2026.
The Lakeshore Nature Preserve Frautschi Center will be a welcoming space for visitors.
Revisiting the restaurants that have sustained generations of meat-eating Badgers.
A special Babcock Hall flavor celebrates the UW’s 175th anniversary.
Best seat in the house — or out of it. The Well Red Bucky statue watches fireworks alongside others celebrating the UW’s 175th anniversary on July 26. The skyrockets put the launch in Launch Day, the name the UW gave to the date on which Wisconsin Governor Nelson Dewey…
The latest upgrade to campus wellness facilities goes beyond traditional sports and fitness.
Nothing says summer like standing in line at this seasonal spot.
Our illustrator peers into his crystal ball for a view of UW–Madison on its 350th anniversary. Yes, there will be jetpacks.
The statue atop Wisconsin’s capitol was supposed to look “Forward.” But what direction is that?
We foresee that you will meet a tall, green stranger seated on a steep hill.
The new south end zone connects UW–Madison’s iconic sports facilities.