
15 stories. Showing page 1 of 1.

Student Life

Sliding into Winter

Winter in Madison isn’t all bad, right? Right? Last January, Hanna Hohener x’23, Jennifer Chandler x’23, and Max Johnson x’22 “borrowed” trays from a cafeteria to take part in a UW tradition of makeshift sledding on Observatory Hill. Photo by Bryce Richter


Photo Gallery: Hoofers Winter CarnivalWinter 2017

Even Wisconsin’s harshest winters haven’t stopped students at its flagship university from outdoor antics. A tradition since the early 20th century, the UW’s Winter Carnival grew into a popular place for students who like to ski, skate or sculpt — ice sculptures, that is. (For more, read “Winter…

Student Life

Chilled OutWinter 2017

A floppy-eared smiley face greets the sunrise on Picnic Point on a December morning in 2016. UW students need to keep a sense of fun in the cold: since 2000, Lake Mendota has been iced over for an average of 85 days out of the year.…

Student Life

Cold ShoulderWinter 2014

During Hoofers’ Winter Carnival last February, students built themselves a classmate out of snow on Lake Mendota. Hoofers are the Union’s outdoors activities clubs.