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Selected topic: Environment & Climate.
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Environment & Climate

The Need for Seed

I feel the need — the need for seed. Students scatter seeds into the wind at Lakeshore Nature Preserve’s Biocore Prairie near Picnic Point. The Biocore project began in 1997, and it currently occupies about 11 acres. A generation later, students still scatter seeds, pull weeds, observe controlled burns,…

Environment & Climate

On, Alumnae: Fran Hamerstrom

Hamerstrom, one of the UW’s pioneering ecologists, exhibits the tail feathers of a broad-winged hawk in Plainfield, Wisconsin, in 1965. UW Archives Neg. 18146

Frances (Fran — pronounced “Fron”) Hamerstrom MS’40 was a pioneering wildlife ecologist. She and her husband, Frederick, came to the UW to study…

Environment & Climate

Nicolaas Mink

Bethany Goodrich

Nic Mink ’02, PhD’10 is mad as halibut, and he’s not going to take it anymore. Mink likes fish. But he very much prefers his fish to be good fish. The world has too much bad-tasting seafood, he argues, and it doesn’t have to…