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Humanities & Culture

Gut Feelings

While exploring the microscopic similarities that unite species, Kat Milligan-McClennan ’99, PhD’09 embraced her long-rejected Indigenous identity.

Humanities & Culture

On, Alumnae: Jean Manchester

After her husband died in 1966, Manchester became a leader in the meat distribution industry, earning several career honors. Submitted photo

When Jean Manchester ’48’s husband died suddenly in 1966 and left her with four children, she took over the management of the family business, Neesvig’s…

Humanities & Culture

Madison, Revisited

Been awhile since you've visited the UW's hometown? Consider an itinerary made up of beautiful views, a raft of restaurants, and a less-traveled path on campus.

Humanities & Culture

Aaron Bird Bear

As assistant dean for Student Diversity Programs in the School of Education, Aaron Bird Bear MS’10 fills a lot of roles: recruiting and retaining students from underrepresented communities, overseeing the summer College Access Program, and serving as a consultant for American Indian Curriculum Services. He also co-leads a group…

Humanities & Culture

Final Words

Half a century ago, 80 language lovers fanned out across the country to chat with as many people in as many places as possible with a single goal in mind: creating an all-encompassing dictionary of how Americans talk.

After decades of playing back tape recordings, demystifying phrases like “dog my…