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Selected topic: Destinations.
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Hidden Treasures

During the All Ways Forward comprehensive campaign, UW–Madison added and improved several buildings and facilities.



Students appear to walk on water at the flooded limnology pier on Lake Mendota. On one day in August, parts of Madison received 10 inches of rain, causing widespread damage.

Photo by Jeff Miller…


Washburn Observatory

Stargazers take in a nighttime view using the observatory’s vintage telescope. Washburn hosts regular public observing sessions and posts its schedule on Twitter. Built in 1881, the observatory was a gift to the UW from former Wisconsin Governor Cadwallader Washburn, who directed that the 15.6-inch telescope lens be…


Campus Construction

Bryce Richter

Major projects are under way on the UW–Madison campus to remove bottlenecks for students who need access to chemistry classes to graduate, modernize campus dairy operations, and make more room for meat science teaching and research.

Chemistry building expansion and renovation



Note-Able Feature

Jeff Miller

Those aren’t wagon wheels that passersby spotted earlier this year during construction of the Hamel Music Center at the corner of Lake Street and University Avenue. The so-called windows are sound chambers — part of a system that will help provide optimal acoustics…


Henry Vilas Zoo

A pair of lion cubs, born in 2017, are a major draw, along with the zoo’s Arctic Passage exhibit — home to polar bears, grizzly bears, and harbor seals — which opened in 2015. The zoo opened in 1911, after William Vilas 1858, MA1886 and his wife, Anna,…