Bookshelf: Fall 2009
Against the Current: My Life with Cerebral Palsy (Full Court Press) is a “wry and savvy enlightenment about living with significant disabilities” by Bob Segalman PhD’72, the only American with cerebral palsy known to hold two doctorates (both from the UW). As the president of Speech Communications Assistance by Telephone in Sacramento, California, Segalman is the nation’s chief advocate for speech-to-speech phone services.
Past Imperfect: Misadventures of a Small (Wisconsin) Town Youth and Subsequent Successful Ventures in Later Life (BookSurge Publishing) proves that early missteps don’t prevent later triumphs — author John Tolford Harycki MA’67 of Arlington, Texas, attended ten grad schools, earned three degrees, and was a professor of three languages.
- Ichi, Ni, San: Adventures with Japanese Numbers (ChemTec Publications) comes from R. (Robert) Byron Bird PhD’50, a UW professor emeritus of chemical engineering, and Reiji Mezaki MS’61, PhD’63, the first grad student from Japan to enroll in Bird’s department after World War II. Their book offers a gateway to a much larger understanding of Japanese language and culture.
- Hey Mr. Green: Sierra Magazine’s Answer Guy Tackles Your Toughest Green Living Questions (Sierra Club/Counterpoint) is full of irreverent, funny, but pragmatic answers distilled from the popular Sierra magazine column “Hey Mr. Green,” by Bob Schildgen ’65 of Berkeley, California.
- Too Close for Comfort? Questioning the Intimacy of Today’s New Mother-Daughter Relationship (Berkley Books) is co-authored by Linda Perlman Gordon ’69, a psychotherapist in private practice in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Layoffs & Hope: Advice & Inspiration for Better Work Life (BookSurge Publishing) comprises the wisdom gained by a Silicon Valley senior management and technology consultant over thirty-two years. Author (Behrouz) Bruce Razban ’71, MS’72 is a veteran of many layoffs.
- A Time of Our Own: In Celebration of Women over Sixty (Fulcrum Publishing) explores and celebrates the lives of women who are reinventing the “third third” of their lives. Co-author Elinor Miller Greenberg MA’54 is the president and CEO of EMG and Associates in Littleton, Colorado, and says, “Always celebrate the age you become, notice the alternative, and be grateful for life!”
Serious Barbecue: Smoke, Char, Baste, & Brush Your Way to Great Outdoor Cooking (Hyperion) shows that Adam Perry Lang ’91 — a classically trained chef turned national-barbecue-circuit competitor — sure has a way with a grill. He also owns Daisy May’s BBQ U.S.A. in New York City.
- Shining Moments: Finding Hope in Facing Death (Reflections Press) by Georgia Lang Weithe ’69 provides insights, comfort, and direction in accepting death’s presence in life. The Lone Rock, Wisconsin, author is an educational consultant and motivational speaker.
- An Anthology of Great U.S. Women Poets, 1850-1990: Temples and Palaces (Mosaic Foundation) contains 477 poems by eighteen poets and is enriched by biographical/critical essays on each. Editor Glenn Ruihley PhD’69 of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is a professor emeritus of English at Eastern Michigan University.
- Our Voices: First-Person Accounts of Schizophrenia (iUniverse) speaks candidly about living with a mental illness and navigating the mental-health system. Manisha Kapil ’82 of Raleigh, North Carolina, is one of five co-editors who add their own voices to those of twenty other writers.
Frugal Cool: How to Get Rich — Without Making Very Much Money (Corby Books) proposes improving the abysmal U.S. savings rate through a Walden-esque mix of philosophy and personal finance. Author John Gaski MS’79, PhD’82 is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.
- Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don’t Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook (Plume) is a hilarious (trust us — you’ll LOL) spoof of Facebook and fifty-plus literary greats by journalist and humor writer Sarah Schmelling ’93 of Rockville, Maryland.
- A Gentleman’s Guide to Graceful Living (W.W. Norton), by New Yorker Michael Dahlie MA’95, recently won the 2009 Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award for a distinguished first book of fiction.
The School Leaders Our Children Deserve: Seven Keys to Equity, Social Justice, and School Reform (Teachers College Press) blends theory and practical strategies. Author George Theoharis MS’98, PhD’04, an assistant professor in the Teaching and Leadership Department at Syracuse [New York] University, has recently been named an Emerging Scholar by the American Educational Research Association.
Published in the Fall 2009 issue
Manisha Kapil August 17, 2011
You Featured the Book. I am touched and moved.
En Francais: je suis emue
Manisha LS’82
Major French Language and Literature.