
The Red Gym’s Modern Makeover

The 19th-century building now boasts up-to-date student spaces.

Exterior of Red Gym illuminated at nighttime

Jeff Miller

The UW Armory and Gymnasium, built in 1894 and commonly called the Red Gym, may be campus’s most iconic building. But around the mid-20th century, the Romanesque Revival fortress was viewed as obsolete and considered for removal. In 1998, a restoration project preserved the building and transformed its interior.

Latinx Cultural Center inside the Red Gym

Bryce Richter

Last year, a new round of renovations enhanced student programming spaces, including the Latinx Cultural Center (pictured above). The Red Gym houses several other student centers, diversity initiatives, and general services, such as International Academic Programs and the Morgridge Center for Public Service.

The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center inside the Red Gym

Bryce Richter

As part of the nine-month project, the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center doubled in size and can now comfortably serve its average of 50 to 75 visitors a day. Improvements included a class-size meeting room, enclosed offices for the center’s four full-time staff members, and a private area for mental health consultations.

The Multicultural Student Center inside the Red Gym

Bryce Richter

Renovations were completed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means the new spaces are still awaiting student activity. Over the past year, virtual services replaced in-person programming, though students were able to reserve distanced study spaces in the Red Gym’s Multicultural Student Center. Pictured above: the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Student Center.


  • Richard Finke September 27, 2024

    I spent a lot of time in the Red Gym during my years at the university 1948-1952. It was where you registered for classes—and was a wild awakening! You selected your class and time and then ran to the campus building that held the class and registered — if it was already full— you ran back to the Red Gym and repeated the process! There were long lines and lots of shuffling!! I also had a boxing class in a turret in 1948—the dumbest thing I ever enrolled in! I played inter mural basketball ball there too and swam on the swimming team (in the nude!) and also competed in water polo!. It was my second home!! Dick Finke BSME 52

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