Science & Technology

A Makeathon for Mobility

UW volunteers create devices for toddlers.

A small, custom-made wheelchair made from wood painted white and containing a harness, foot straps and extra big wheels.

The customized mobility devices were distributed to families and clinics. Alex Holloway/College of Engineering

Last semester, dozens of UW–Madison volunteers created assistive mobility devices for toddlers as part of a “makeathon” at the Grainger Engineering Design Innovation Lab. The recipients were children who aren’t yet big or old enough for standard wheelchairs.

Volunteers worked on fabric seat cushions, assembled frames, and used a laser etching machine to add designs to the wheels. They distributed six mobility trainers to families and four to local clinics.

“We had information about the kids and the kinds of cartoons or music they like, and we put some of those into elements like the wheel cover designs so they will have something that’s tailored to them specifically,” says Peter Noonan ’24, MSx’25, a mechanical engineering graduate student who helped organize the makeathon.

Makeathons primarily draw students but are also open to staff, faculty, and alumni. About 50 people participated in the 2024 initiative.

Makeathons encourage collaboration across disciplines and allow volunteers to use the equipment in the Design Innovation Lab while working toward a common goal. The lab coordinated with the UW’s doctor of physical therapy program to host last year’s event.

Madison-based architectural firm Erdman was a supporting partner for the makeathon, and CEO Rustin Becker joined in the volunteer efforts.

“This has been a wonderful opportunity to work with the students, who are leveraging their skills to actually bring something together and see the impact it’s going to have for the children who get these chairs,” Becker says.


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